our signature course

Remembering Universal Truths: Mastering the Dark, Seeking the Light

welcome home to yourself

Spirituality is an avenue for us to deepen our understanding of our innermost experiences and beliefs governing our lives, to find the meaning of life, and our place in the universe. At its core, spirituality is about finding a connection to something greater than ourselves that has always been inside of us. It is a journey of turning inwards and seeking answers to the questions we inevitably find ourselves asking: “Who Am I? What am I here to do? How do I find greater meaning in life?”

Our four-week course is designed to help you access your inner wisdom to answer these questions, and learn to live an authentic and soul-led life in harmony with the world, while finding inner and outer fulfillment. In time, you will also begin to see the interconnectedness of all things and develop an awareness of your place in the universe. We hope that our journey together will lead you to uncover your innate peace and joy, so that you may turn the struggles of your life into opportunities for growth, and live with a full and fulfilled heart.

what you can expect:

Pre-course reading
material and exercises

In-class activities and
honest, open discussions

A deeper understanding
of yourself

A safe and non-
judgemental journey

reading lists

Tools for your

A binder file of our lovingly prepared course workbook

Online support
through the weeks

and much more…

this course is for you if…

✻ You want to understand yourself deeper

✻ You’re feeling aimless and are searching for a direction in life

✻ You have curiosities about spirituality and the universe at large

✻ You’re looking to learn alongside like-minded people

✻ You are ready to break old limiting patterns in your life

✻ You want to return to authenticity

✻ You want to lead a more intentional, aligned, and heart-centered life

✻ You were intuitively guided here for some reason

Next Intake: 2025. Send us a message to join the waitlist!

your learning curriculum

  • In this course, we aim to:

    ♡ Establish your foundational understanding of spirituality

    ♡ Foster your self-awareness, self-honesty, and self-responsibility

    ♡ Equip you with tools for integration

  • Session One lays the foundation of our spiritual understanding – the how and why we are born in this world and galaxy, bridging the gap between what we know about the universe through Science, and Spirituality.

    In this session, we will also give an introduction to what our Light and Shadow is, and explore our emotional and mental world. We will be covering topics like:

    • The Big Bang, Source, and the Matrix
    • Our soul’s purpose
    • Consciousness, energy, and vibration
    • Quantum and Universal laws
    • The Ego and its role in our lives
    • Reconnecting with your Inner Essence
    • How we approach change
    • AICATI Framework
    • Shadow work and why we do it
    • The Experience Cycle
    • How to overcome triggers
    • What emotions really are
    • How to attain emotional freedom in 90 seconds
    • How to quiet your mental chatter, and much more…

  • Session Two delves deeper into the role of our ego and how to uncover our shadow selves. The “shadow self” is a psychological and spiritual term that describes the disowned aspects of ourselves. Becoming conscious of our shadow selves allows us to become less reactive and more empathetic towards ourselves and others, while also bringing us closer to our authentic selves through self-knowledge.

    In this session, we will become aware of our unhelpful unconscious drives and see the spiritual truth behind our subjective reality. The topics covered include:

    • The ego and its mental structure
    • Projection and mirroring
    • Your shadow and its gifts
    • Conditioning and authenticity
    • Why we create judgements
    • Right, wrong, and righteousness
    • Duality and the nature of reality
    • The different sides of your identity
    • The archetypes in relationship power play
    • Unconscious rules that govern your life
    • Overcoming your core beliefs
    • How to anchor and move forward during triggers, and much more…

  • In Session Three, we will introduce Light work, which opens up the pathways to our Higher Self and our inner radiance. This allows us to connect to our inner wisdom and truth so that we may heal, restore balance, and raise our vibrational frequency to align with our highest potential. Looking at the light aspects of ourselves is an important part of the journey inwards, and is often left out such that inner work feels dark and overwhelming.

    Through guided exercises, we will clarify your unique purpose in life to develop your inner compass for living a more aligned and fulfilled life. Tools already taught in the previous sessions will be used to identify, challenge, release and transform the blocks we have towards consciously manifesting our Next Level Reality. We will look at:

    • Clarifying your highest priorities and values
    • Crafting your inspiring vision and mission statement
    • Discovering your unique purpose and blueprint
    • Removing the obstacles to your ideal reality
    • The concept of surrender
    • How to live a life of true gratitude
    • How to balance polarised perceptions
    • Your empowering rituals and routines
    • Word of the Year (WOTY)
    • The Art and Science of manifestation
    • The key to unlock powerful creations
    • The blocks to manifestation, and much more…

  • In our final session together, we will integrate what we have learnt in the past three sessions through guided processing methods and techniques, tailored to a personal situation you would like to process and overcome. In this final part of our journey together, you will be ready and empowered to step into the new version of yourself, while taking steps towards that embodiment in your daily life moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All interested participants will need to go through a 45-60 minute discovery call with our head coaches Amanda and Whitney so they can get to know you and your journey a little better before enrolling you into the course. Click here to learn more about the process and sign up for our discovery call.

  • 2024 Classes will be held in-person at Siècle Studios. The address is: 10 Bukit Batok Crescent, The Spire, #09-05, Singapore 658079

    For full instructions on how to get there, click here.

  • Generally, each session will take about 6-7 hours. This excludes any meal breaks where necessary. Although we try to keep them to a certain time, our classes are tailored according to your needs and may sometimes overrun due to passionate in-class discussions.

  • In our signature course, you may choose to sign up with your loved ones for a private class of two, or a group class of up to to seven. Pair classes are great for couples, friends, and business partners.

    Alternatively, you could also enrol into an open class of four up to seven persons. This is great especially for those who are open to meeting like-minded individuals on your journey of self growth and discovery.

    If you’re looking to organise a private event with our courses or workshops in mind, please contact us here.

  • All our courses are currently conducted in-person in groups of up to seven persons. We find that learning and discussions are especially conducive within smaller intimate group settings due to the collective energy of the group.

    For those keen on learning independently or cannot make it in-person, we are planning to launch an online version of our signature course in 2025. This of course, does not include the access or benefit of face-to-face interactions and emotional processing with your course facilitators.

    More questions? Speak with us!

  • How exciting and rewarding it is to invest in ourselves! Our four-week course is priced at $1288/pp for group classes of 3 up to 7 persons, and $1688/pp for groups of 2. We encourage group classes which are ideal for collective growth and discussions.

    You’ll get to experience cosy and fun sessions with your head coaches and coursemates over four sessions while deepening the understanding of yourself and how to take your life forward with joy and alignment. Our community support doesn’t end when the course does, so you’ll feel supported on your journey even after you graduate. It’s a gift to yourself that keeps giving!

  • Yes, definitely! Our signature course is specifically designed for you if you are looking to deepen your understanding of your inner world and outer experiences.

    Whether you are new to doing the inner work or are already a seasoned energy practitioner, our structured curriculum will help deepen your relationship with the light and shadow aspects of yourself, while equipping you with tools to navigate your journey in life.

    You may also be questioning the purpose of your life, and your connection to something greater than yourself. Our four-week course will help you access your inner wisdom to find your own answers and truth to these questions, and learn to live an authentic and soul-led life in harmony with the world, while finding true fulfillment inside out.

    If this sounds like something that might interest you, come journey with us or speak with our friendly team here!

  • Yes! We welcome persons of all faiths, although we do not require that you have any particular religious faiths. Our classes discusses deep spiritual truths that are universal across all religions. We love and encourage candid discussions, so do participate with an open mind and heart!

  • While we aim to equip you with various somatic, mental, emotional, and spiritual tools during our course that could help with a mental health issue, we are not licensed healthcare professionals. Please do use your discretion should you require professional assistance.

for more questions contact us

what the collectif says about our signature course

“Throughout the past few years I have seemed out many different experiences in hopes to find something that truly aligns with me. After attending the course, I was able to have a better alignment through working on aspects of my life that was holding me back internally. I was also able to gain a much clearer perspective towards many different topics and stages in my life.”

- Nic

“wander + bloom signature course has been and eye-opening and healing experience. Before the course, I was afraid that it’ll be too ‘woo-woo’ and hard to grasp, but what makes wander + bloom special is their ability to break down abstract concepts in a way that’s simple to understand and implement.

Through the course, I’ve been given the space and safety to explore my limiting beliefs as well as my gifts, allowing me the opportunity and guidance to step into my next level self.

The course felt so liberating because after months of trying to figure out why I keep getting stuck in a cycle of burnout, I can finally see the answer so clearly, and gift myself the space to design a more enjoyable path and healthier practice.

wander + bloom is hands down one of the best investments I’ve made. I’m writing this one year after the course and I feel so much lighter as I live my life. I’ve attracted more aligned clients and opportunities in my work, and genuinely feel more at peace.”

- Rae

“For the longest time, I felt so lost and uninspired in life, never having a real sense of self and owning my own voice. However, through the course with Whitney and Amanda, I have regained back ownership of my voice and my life, and now I’m already embarking on my next stage in life, exploring new things and being more inspired than ever!”

- Jia Yi

still curious?

watch our FREE masterclass to take a peek into our Signature Course!

Our Enrolment Process


Discovery Call

Book a discovery call with us and attend a 90 min call via Zoom, where we will do a short coaching section and discover how the course will be able to help you.


Final Enrolment

Choose your preferred class slots and make the final payment for our course. The fee for your discovery call will be waived upon successful enrolment.


Getting Ready

Receive pre-course exercises, get to know your course mates in your dedicated Whatsapp group and get ready for 4 super transformative weeks together.

Ready to transform your life?