About Us

wander + bloom collectif, wb.collectif, wander bloom, wb

Inspired by the personal mission and spiritual journeys of our co-founders, wander + bloom collectif was born in 2022 to participate and serve in the global ascension process. As we delved deeper into serving our community, we grounded into an even clearer vision of what WB is here to embody:

Remember our divinity to live an authentic life of beauty and harmony.

We believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling life with a joyful spirit, no matter which season they’re in. It’s in the knowing that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience that we can move into empowering alignment with our souls. It’s knowing that no matter where we go, and what we choose to do, we’re divinely held and supported. This knowing is our heartfelt prayer for you.

May you bloom wherever you wander.

our vision

Remembering our divinity to live an authentic life of beauty and harmony

our mission

catalysts & guides

Navigating modern life can be easy and fun; we are here to catalyse the reunion with your authentic self for more aligned and intentional living


We are here to remember who we truly are. wander + bloom collectif is dedicated to helping you reconnect with the truth already present deep within you

a collectif

We are the warm home to a community that honours the unique contribution and divinity in every individual. We are a collectif that journeys together joyfully

our pillars


The feminine pillar that adopts both modern and esoteric mediums, and emotional awareness to shine a light on unconscious behaviours and the soulful path ahead.


The masculine pillar that focuses on active learning to gain holistic self-awareness and craft practical steps for transformation into our next level self in alignment with our soul.

the co-founders

meet Amanda.

2/4 Projector
Head of Library & Nerding Out

As a 2/4 Projector, Amanda possesses a natural ability to see deeply and guide others from a place of wisdom and insight on their path of personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Apart from her passion in understanding the subconscious mind, human behaviours, and spiritual truths, Amanda is also an accredited Coaching Master, NLP Master Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, and an animal communicator, who loves diving into the world of Human Design for self-understanding and alignment.

    With her unique blend of knowledge, intuitive guidance, and a knack for recognising unconscious patterns, Amanda is dedicated to empowering others to live a life of purpose and fulfilment, so that they can bloom into the most authentic versions of themselves through the seasons.

    When Amanda isn't guiding individuals through their transformative journeys, she enjoys spending quality time with her cat, Effie. Whether it's playing fetch or simply curling up together with a good book, their companionship brings her immense joy and serves as a reminder of her soul’s purpose, which is to live and inspire a life of beauty and harmony.

meet Whitney.

4/1 Manifesting Generator
Head of Emotions & the Unseen

As a 4/1 Manifesting Generator, she brings a myriad of experiences and endeavours spanning the realms of business, humanitarian work, art, and spirituality. Her multifaceted talents and knowledge add a unique dimension to her interactions with others.

  • Whitney is a gifted empath, blessed with innate spiritual insight. Her heightened sensitivities allow her to extend boundless understanding and compassion to others, while intuitively aiding the release of energies that no longer serves them.

    Drawing from a decade of coaching and energetic practice, Whitney profoundly guides individuals on their journey towards authentic self-discovery and realising their potential.

    Beyond her spiritual calling, Whitney also actively dedicates herself to humanitarian causes, with a special focus on assisting refugees and individuals with disabilities. Her unwavering commitment to bettering lives stands as a testament to her deep love for humanity.

    In her free time, Whitney explores her creative spirit through the strokes of her paintbrush, tapping into the realm of flow — a timeless dimension where only the now-moment exists.